About therapy

well.com offers a unique holistic approach addressing the emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of the client. We offer a safe place for clients providing:
- Psychological Assessment.
- Information and psycho-education on CBT and mental health.
- Psychological Interventions- the teaching of new skills and the building up of strengths and resilience.
- Relapse prevention.
What is CBT?
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is the term for a number of therapies that are designed to help solve problems in people’s lives, such as depression and anxiety disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, social phobia and generalised anxiety disorder. American psychotherapist Aaron Beck helped to develop CBT and believed that the way a person thinks about a situation affects how he/she will act. In turn, actions can affect how people think and feel. It is therefore necessary to change both the act of thinking (cognition) and behaviour at the same time. This is known as cognitive behavioural therapy.
What happens in therapy?
Following an assessment, which will last 1.5 hours you and your therapist will work closely together to set an agenda for each session. It is important that you work hard with your therapist so that you can make good progress. You will be asked to bring a problem list of all the things that are troubling you to the first session. This will help you and your therapist to target the difficulties right from the outset. You will keep your own therapy notes. What you learn in therapy is often what you practise outside of therapy on your own.
Research demonstrates that people who carry out ‘homework’ assignments get better faster and stay better longer so homework is important. Examples of your self-help ‘homework’ might include keeping track of how you feel, your thoughts and behaviours; scheduling activities; developing goals, challenging your negative thoughts; collecting information to help you make choices; changing the way you communicate and get along with others and other user–friendly ‘assignments’. You should find these straightforward and rewarding.
You and your therapist will review your goals as you progress. We will also gauge your progress by completing ‘user-friendly’ sheets. Finally you will decide whether you feel less depressed, anxious or distressed.