What happens in a SD session?

All directors are different but the first session with me follows a basic pattern. This changes as we go along, depending on your needs and personality.
- We'll settle and begin with a short prayer.
- God is watching us, smiling. He's the real director. We notice that.
- I tell you a bit about my own training, supervision and spiritual direction.
- You talk about what has brought you here, what life/God prayer is like.
- We think about about how you bring that to God in prayer, in your way.
- The session lasts about 60 minutes. It closes with a brief prayer.
- You go away and think about whether you'd like to come back.
It seems so simple but the experience of space in spiritual direction, of being listened to and of realising - maybe slowly - that God is listening too, can make such a difference to you. I help you notice how you really are, encourage you to be yourself with God- not as easy as it sounds! Our culture shouts "Be Yourself!!" yet screen and soundbite whisper to us "Not good enough. Be someone else!!"

What might bring you to spiritual direction?
- You want relationship with God to grow. Google threw up "spiritual direction". You've no idea what it is but now you're curious.
- A crisis in life, job, health, family, community. You're lost, unsure of what to do or who to turn to. Is God there? Does God care?
- Prayer doesn't bring comfort or reassurance. Nothing feels as certain as it did. You feel you're losing faith, outside looking in.
- You are looking for "more" and have no idea what that means or where to look...you just have this itch.
- You work in ministry. You want your relationship with Jesus to grow and sustain you.
- You want to make wise decisions, not based on people/external signs but on the spirit within, drawing you to what gives life.
I don't do advice, or spiritual "prescriptions". You don't need fixed.
How often do you come?
- One session might give you the insight/experience you need to get on with God yourself.
- Sometimes a few sessions are helpful. Once a month is usual. We might start with 3 sessions and decide if more would help.
- Some people come monthly for a longer period of time. Some in professional ministry find it an essential ongoing support. .
Is there a cost?
Spiritual directors will never get rich but we do have training, supervision and other expenses so a donation is welcome. £20 - £30, is usual, probably less than the price of a hair cut.
Money is never an issue with me. Some folk give me a few ££. Others bring me tomatoes. Everything gratefully received